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    Brain Injury

Brain Injury

Acquired brain injury (ABI) rehabilitation services are aimed at assisting clients who have experienced a traumatic brain injury or stroke and have residual functional limitations. Limitations arising from ABI can create barriers that affect full participation in daily life including self-care, independent living, meaningful work and participation in leisure pursuits. Our ABI services enable clients to maximize participation at home, school, the workplace and in other community settings. Programs are delivered in collaboration with the client’s medical team and other professionals to ensure a coordinated approach. Our assessments and recommendations consider the impact of aging with ABI and the impact on families to ensure supports and equipment will meet client needs over the long term.


Physiotherapists evaluate ambulation and mobility as well as physical issues including spasticity, balance, coordination and joint dysfunction. Recommendations for mobility equipment and home, gym or pool exercise programs are provided and implemented.

Occupational Therapy

Initial intervention typically addresses immediate hospital discharge and home safety needs to ensure equipment and services are in place to support the transition to home or supported living (refer to Home Health services for details). Subsequently, OT evaluation determines cognitive, physical and emotional skill deficits that present barriers to participation in daily living and community life. Cognitive rehabilitation and awareness training is provided while building community integration skills. Education and training on cognitive compensatory strategies, behavioural management and environmental modifications is provided to increase safe participation in the home, community and workplace. OT will also address care requirements and provide support & education to reduce the impact of ABI sequelae on clients and families. Recommendations for the involvement of other health professionals including Speech Therapists and Psychologists are made to support the client’s recovery.

Supported Integration

Structured and balanced weekly programs facilitate participation in a range of home and community activities and ensure functional gains realized in the client’s rehabilitation program are maintained. Rehabilitation Assistants provide one-to-one support to facilitate ongoing participation in community activities. Ongoing caregiver support is provided by therapists and clients are re-assessed by their OT at regular intervals to ensure support levels, aides and activities are adjusted accordingly to meet changing client abilities and needs over time.



The Function Experts®

Our diverse group of healthcare professionals and services are united by a common purpose, to better understand and improve the function of our clients in the settings that matter to them.

Head Office

604-681-9293 - Office
1-888-591-9477 - Toll Free
604-681-8705 - Fax
#206 - 4300 North Fraser Way
Burnaby, BC V5J 0B3

Regions Served

Metro Vancouver
Greater Victoria
Fraser Valley
South & Central Island
North Island
West Kootenays
Okanagan Valley




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